One to One Personal training

Using a combination of free weight and bodyweight exercises, we will develop your functional strength, power and agility. Where possible we train outdoors in wild spaces, embracing the elements and capturing that feeling of freedom and adventure. 

each personal training session is designed to leave you feeling renewed and invigorated

What to expect

Our initial consultation gives me a chance to find out as much possible about you.

We will look at various movement patterns and test your strength, cardiovascular fitness and flexibility. We also discuss aspects of your lifestyle and nutrition to provide us with an overall picture of your current level of fitness and wellbeing.

It is important for me to understand your aspirations and to get a feel for what motivates and excites you. I will then combine all of this information to tailor a bespoke programme focussed on your performance goals and incorporating the things you love.


  • Build strength

    ROAM classes and 1 : 1 sessions focus on functional movement, using a variety of compound exercises to build strength and stability for activities of daily living. Each session will focus on developing your strength, power and agility, whilst re-wilding your movement and leaving you feeling stronger, healthier and happier.

  • Embrace the elements

    Training outdoors has a myriad of benefits for both physical and mental wellbeing. Roam Wild sessions are the opposite of training in a commercial gym. We choose to exercise outside year round, in all conditions.
    Embrace the adventure; your body and mind will thank you for it.

  • Train your brain

    Building strength is empowering both physically and mentally. I believe in non-aesthetic focussed training; we set performance goals based on strength and body conditioning, the aesthetic changes will come as a result. Overcoming mental and physical barriers in order to reach your goals will improve your resilience and your self belief. Finding your fitness mindset is an integral part of what we do.

  • Adapt

    Our bodies change throughout our lives. For women in particular, these changes can be significant and we must adapt our approach to exercise accordingly. I aim to teach you how to exercise safely and effectively, whatever phase of life you are in.

  • Nutrition

    I believe in taking a holistic approach to fitness, in which nutrition plays a key role alongside exercise, sleep and relaxation. Your body is a complex, interrelated ecosystem. Your gut and movement systems are more closely connected than you might think.

  • Cold water

    Cold water swimming has major health benefits for both the body and mind; it can kick start your metabolism, improve mental clarity, reduce stress and boost the immune system. Where possible (and for those who are keen!) we will include a cold water dip at the end of our training sessions.